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Kent 38 (arthritis)


Product Highlights

Introducing Kent 38 Arthritis Drops, the ultimate solution for fast and effective relief from arthritic discomfort. Our powerful formula is designed to target joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation, providing you with natural and lasting relief. Say goodbye to achy joints and hello to improved mobility and flexibility with Kent 38, our drops offer a holistic approach to arthritis management, promoting joint health and functionality. Experience the freedom to move without pain and enjoy life to the fullest with Kent 38 Arthritis Drops.

SKU KS-38 Category



Each 30ml contains
Arnica montana                  D6 (EHPI) 12.5% v/
Bryonia alba                        D6 (EHPI) 9.37% v/v
Berberis vulgaris                 D8 (EHPI) 12.5% v/v
Colocynthis                          D5 (EHPI) 12.5% v/v
Causticum                            D8 (EHPI) 12.5% v/v
Colchicum autumnale      D6 (EHPI) 12.5% v/v
Dulcamara                            D6 (EHPI) 12.5% v/v
Ranunculus bulbosus         D6 (EHPI) 12.5% v/v
Rhus toxicodendron             6X (EHPI) 9.37% v/v
Ledum palustre                    D6 (EHPI) 12.5% v/v

Excipients q.s.


Painful swollen joints.
Stiffness of muscles and joints.
Gout and gouty disposition.
Uric acid diatheses.
Worsening of symptoms in
cold and wet weather.
In general use 10 drops three times
daily in some water.
Liquid contains particles that are part
of medicine.


In general use 10 drops three times daily in some water.
Liquid contains particles that are part of medicine.

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